Former U.S. Under Secretary of State Leads 29 Companies to Visit Taiwan! U.S. Congressman Starts Relay Visit This Week

Dignitaries from 100 countries congratulate Taiwan’s general election, and U.S. lawmakers will visit Taiwan in relay on Wednesday, and U.S. Rep. Bella will lead a delegation to Taiwan on Wednesday. Chen Chien-jen said that Taiwan and the United States have close economic and trade relations and hopes that the US Government can resolve the problem of double taxation. Former U.S. Secretary of State Keith Krach led the US-Taiwan Business Association to Taiwan, and Chen Chien-jen, the premier, personally received him. Chan Chien-jen, President of the Executive Yuan, said: “We hope that your association will continue to help convey to the U.S. government the importance of this issue, which can increase the use of funds and reduce tax risks for U.S. business investment in Taiwan Industry and talent exchange to create a niche. The members of the US-Taiwan Business Association who visited Taiwan, including Chairman Han Rubo, as well as senior executives of American companies from different fields, led the delegation, and even more in half a year.