Krachism: “croc·ism” noun, a personal mantra to live by; a cross between excellent business advice and personal affirmations to lift the spirit or focus one’s thinking.
“Building a high-performance team is the number one job of the CEO.”Chairman & co-founder Krach Institute for Tech DIplomacy; Former U.S. Under Secretary of State; Former Chairman & CEO DocuSign and Ariba
“What matters most in life is what you do when nobody’s looking.”The best mother in the world!
“Krach’s powerful transformational leadership and his focus on innovation combined with his approach of perpetually challenging the status quo and empowering people to accomplish more than they had ever imagined possible has resulted in a profound impact on GDP per capita, international trade, global productivity, and the sustainability of our planet. “Founder and CEO of Khan Academy
“Jump in water over your head. Instead of running away from your fears, face them. Push yourself outside of your comfort zone. It’s the best way to learn and grow – even if you do fail sometimes. I’ve become a little addicted to the adrenaline rush of living this way. I call it scary fun.”Chairman & co-founder Krach Institute for Tech DIplomacy; Former U.S. Under Secretary of State; Former Chairman & CEO DocuSign and Ariba
“I believe we all reap what we sow. But I also believe in what I call “pure heart” motivation — doing things for the right reasons without any expectation that you might be paid back for your actions in the future. This is sometimes when your actions have the greatest impact.”Chairman & co-founder Krach Institute for Tech DIplomacy; Former U.S. Under Secretary of State; Former Chairman & CEO DocuSign and Ariba
“I have had the honor and a pleasure supporting Keith Krach during his term as Under Secretary of State for Economic Growth, Energy and the Environment. Given our similar backgrounds of having worked in technology and in the auto industry, I am absolutely thrilled to help advance his passion for helping the United States on critical areas such as 5G, AI, semiconductors and cyber security. With Korea becoming an even greater partner to the United States, I remain hopeful that my position as Chairman and CEO of AMCHAM can support the mission of the Krach Institute for Tech Diplomacy at Purdue as a non-political, non-partisan organization. “Chairman and CEO, American Chamber of Commerce in Korea
“Under Secretary Krach’s track record has earned the respect of both sides of the aisle on Capitol Hill. He is one of the foremost authorities on combating China’s economic aggression because of his lead role in developing and operationalizing the Global Economic Security Strategy, as well as his transformational leadership in building market leading companies. During his tenure at the State Department, Krach developed the new model of tech statecraft rooted in trust by integrating high-tech strategy with diplomatic tools and building the Clean Network, which defeated the CCP’s masterplan to control 5G.”Chairman of the Congressional China Task Force
“A transformational leader is a person who challenges the status quo, mobilizing and empowering people to achieve a noble cause—one that will have a profound, far-reaching impact. This definition fits Krach to a T.”Chairman & co-founder Krach Institute for Tech DIplomacy; Former U.S. Under Secretary of State; Former Chairman & CEO DocuSign and Ariba

“Keith Krach is one of the few leaders I’ve ever known in business that could put on a uniform tomorrow and would be effective as a general in the United States Army. I’ve known Keith Krach for a long time. He is one of the most impressive transformational leaders I’ve ever met. He’d already done it in business, education, and philanthropy, but with the Clean Network, he did it again, this time in government. The story of how he created and executed this now proven model for confronting Chinese aggression must be told, studied, and replicated. “4-Star General (ret.) U.S. Army, Founder & CEO McChrystal Group
“Krach’s team’s defeat of the Chinese Communist Party’s masterplan to control 5G communications was the first time a government lead initiative proved that China’s economic warfare is beatable because it exposed their biggest weakness, nobody trusts them,” said former National Security Advisor General H.R. McMaster. “The Clean Network playbook basically created tech statecraft, a new model of transformational diplomacy based on trust principles, which integrates Silicon Valley strategies with the foreign policy tools designed to combat technological authoritarianism and advance freedom.” “I don’t think anybody has done more to integrate economic security and national security than you did while you were in the position,” McMaster told Krach in a Hoover Institute briefing on technology security. “Former National Security Advisor
“The Clean Network initiative has become an undisputed success…And it looks likely to stick. “

“Keith’s leadership playbook has been proven to be successful multiple times. His classic, natural leadership skills combined with his work ethic help him build strong teams to attack big ideas.”DocuSign Board Member
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