The Transatlantic Alliance Goes Clean

“We issued a joint statement with the EU on the synergies between the Clean Network and the EU 5G Clean Toolbox. Since adoption of the Toolbox meets the criteria for being part of the Clean Network, the two work well together.NATO’s Deputy Secretary General has also emphasized the importance of having a 5G Clean NATO Network. I was glad to hear that.”
– Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo, 10/14/20
“The 5G Toolbox serves as a reference for telco operators’ board of directors, who are required to make the decision on 5G suppliers. If they choose a high-risk 5G supplier and something happens, the board members may be liable.”
– EU Commissioner Thierry Breton, 9/30/20
“It is important to have a secure 5G Clean NATO Network, which is non-fractured, because the Alliance is only as strong as its weakest link.”
– NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoana, 9/30/20