Sigma Chi


Sigma Chi

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Keith Krach at Sigma Chi event as an undergrad.

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Sigma Chi

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Keith Krach with fellow Sig Ash Chopra in Agra India

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Sigma Chi

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Keith Krach (left) and lifelong friend Dick "Hector" Hester (right) as Sigma Chi Undergrads


Sigma Chi

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Krach delivers keynote at Sigma Chi's August 4th, 2018 Krach Transformational Leaders Workshop


Sigma Chi

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Krach delivers keynote at Sigma Chi's August 4th, 2018 Krach Transformational Leaders Workshop


Sigma Chi

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Keith Krach, ’79 (fourth from right), alongside members of his family, was honored with a resolution renaming Sigma Chi’s annual Leadership Training Workshop as the Krach Transformational Leaders Workshop


Sigma Chi

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Krach Transformational Leaders Workshop helps Sigma Chi fulfill its mission of being the premier collegiate leadership development organization in the world